The Father Says Today: November 16th, 2022

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The Father says today, I am opening a new chapter in the book of your life. This is the day of new beginnings. The book of new beginnings has been opened, and I have closed the books on old pathways and stale plans. I say to you AGAIN, the time is now, the time is now. Can you take NOW for an answer? Enter into the NOW of My purposes. You do not have to wait any longer. Though the enemy seeks to hold you bound in the past, I say to you, that the past is the past and the way forward is now fully open to you.

Prophet Russ – This is My Day of New Beginnings!

All is well, says the Father, all is well. Go forward, do what I’ve called you to do. Step into the assignment communicated to you by My hand. Forsake the gainsayers and critics who have presumed to know My mind when they have NO idea where I purpose to take you in life. Fear not. There will be water from the rock and manna on the ground as necessary. My hand is upon you and I am smiling on you this day. All is well!

Prophet Russ – I Want You to Be the Prophet in My Life!

Does this word resonate with you? Then activate the working of this word on your behalf by sharing it with others (because faith works by love). Then mix this word with some faith by sowing into the word of your giving. Giving into a word sets the predicate for what happens next and brings God’s blessing in that very area!

Prophet Russ Walden

Important Note: Our Address Has Changed!
Current Address: Father’s Heart Ministry, P.O. Box 14127, Springfield, Missouri 65814
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for your situation. Your FAITH and GOD’S MERCY determine what happens next in your life

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breakthrough word for your situation.

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Father’s Heart Ministry, P.O. Box 14127, Springfield, Missouri 65814


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Daily Prophetic Words Will Continue to Come to Your Email M-F,
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