The Father Says Today: November 14th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today let your heart be enlarged toward the lost. Those that are dear to you and those that are far away in relationship. Household salvation is a promise of My word. Peter told Cornelius that salvation had come to his entire household. Believe Me for household salvation says the Father. Believe Me that even the most stubborn and prideful family members will yield to the conviction of My Spirit. See in your heart the tears of contrition as I move sovereignly among your friends and loved ones to bring them into the ark of My salvation. I have a ways and means committee says the Father to bring them in. Their determination to reject the cross is not greater than My determination to translate them out of the domain of darkness and into My kingdom.
Allow My heart of intercession to move deeply within you once again for lost friends and loved ones. Remember the apostle Paul who would that he was accursed from Christ for his kinsmen according to the flesh. This is the heart of intercession that breaks down the spirit of unbelief. This is the love that never fails. As you go out bearing the precious seed – even with tears know that I am going with you. Sow the good news of My truth even upon seemingly deaf ears. Leave the results to Me. Keep loving and keep demonstrating. Get ready to reap in the results of salvation and deliverance among your loved ones. I will not use you to win strangers and yet leave those near to you bereft of testimony from your life by My hand.

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