The Father Says Today: May 7th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today rise up and take your INNER territory. When you take your inner territory your outward territory will fall to you of its own accord. I am the God of the jailbreak says the Father. I sent My angel to Peter in the prison house and the chains fell off OF THEIR OWN ACCORD. The gates locked against him OPENED OF THEIR OWN ACCORD. Be that man. Be that one who can sleep between your jailers unafraid and unopposed by the opposer. You so will come out with an outstretched arm and a mighty hand. You will not be left behind screaming through the bars that perhaps I overlooked the cell of restriction and difficulty you are in. Take heart says the Father. Calvary is the rescue operation I have mounted to set you free from every impediment.
Change your mind says the Father. Reorient your thinking according to what I am planning and not what the enemy is doing. The enemy wants to stand you up before his firing squad of persecution and peril but when he comes to get you – you will be LONG GONE for I am on the scene. This is what I want you to discern. Do not spend your time counting the keys on the jailer’s belt – rather spend your time planning just to what degree you are going to praise and extol Me for the mighty deliverance that is about to pull down the strongholds the enemy has erected to contain you. I will not be contained says the Father therefore you will not be contained. You are breaking out of all containment and stepping into the destined purpose I have prepared for you before the foundation of the world was laid.

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