The Father Says Today – May 6th, 2024

The Father says it is time for you to fly! I have been lightening your load and requiring much of you in this season.  This is not to take away but to prepare. I am not taking away from you, but I am jettisoning those things, yes, and even people and relationships that do not fit My purpose for your life.  I am working to bring about your greatest happiness and My highest purpose. Determine in your heart to render up full cooperation, for in a moment and in a day; you will find yourself suddenly airborne – ambulating in the realm of My Spirit to destinations unknown and adventures in My kingdom that await one such as yourself! As you soar to new heights, remember that with great freedom comes great responsibility. Embrace the unknown and the challenges that come with it, for they are opportunities for growth and learning. Trust in My plan for you, and have faith that I will guide you on this new journey.

Flying speaks of independence and the ability to rise above adversity, but it also signifies the need for balance and humility. Stay grounded in your values and principles, even as you reach for the stars. Remember that true success is measured not by how high you fly but by how well you navigate the winds of change. As you spread your wings and explore new horizons, remember to be grateful for the people who have supported you along the way. Cherish the relationships that have brought you to this moment, and stay connected to those who have helped shape your path. In this season of flight and growth, remember that the journey is just as important as the destination. Enjoy the ride, embrace the challenges, and trust that I have a purpose for every twist and turn along the way. Fly, dear one, and let the wind carry you towards your destiny.

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