The Father Says Today: May 3rd, 2020

The Father says today, this is promotion time for you. You are about to break the tape and win the trophy of a race well run. The heart of an eagle saint beats in your chest, and your time in the hen yard of religious poultry mongers is over! You have been one who has walked a long journey with Me, and I have seen that, says God, and I have seen your faithfulness when others have turned away. You are not a beginner in the knowledge of My kingdom. You have a hearing ear to receive My word and to apply it in faithfulness when you sense the winds of My Spirit blowing. This is a time for running the race that is before you on the backstretch of favor bestowed and strength outpoured by My hand into your spiritual sinews. You will RUN the way of My commandments with fresh vigor and renewed endowment to be the champion that I have called you to be.

As you run, there will be many on the right and on the left that will want to hand you something to drink of their thinking or give you advice on running the race – but the Father says, I am your refreshing. Do not allow others or their opinions about your choices to distract you from what I am purposing to do. There is a great tearing down taking place in your life so that I can do a great building up. I am doing a new thing, says the Father, so get ready. Put on your running shoes. Immerse yourself in My truth, and not the opinions of men for the opinions of men will not sustain you where I am taking you, says the Father. It is a serious time. It is a serious time, but also a time of blessing. Blessings you have waited on for a long time are on their way to you this day as you humble yourself and find a place of renewed cooperation with Me and My word in your life, says the Father!

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  • Corrie says:

    Absolutely wonderful! It has been more than a year that I’ve entered into a special journey with the Lord. Almost 3 months ago I started to run in the evenings …:-) First in the natural and then in the spiritual. It is amazing how the Lord has confirmed so many conversations between Him and me through your ministry. May you be blessed exceedingly, abundantly, above … and may you expand more and wider than you can ever dream.

  • Frances McHenry says:

    Thank you Father for your confirming words. I receive these words with gratitude, reverence,,and honor. I say yes to your will and your way, Amen!

  • Traci-Ann Ramsay-Foster says:

    Absolutely amazing thank you Jesus. Prophet Walden thank you for availing yourself to the work iof God. Blessings to you and family. I am from the beautiful island of Jamaica in the Caribbean.

  • Andipa says:

    Hallelujah.I receive every word for my life.Thank you.Glory to God

  • Blessed be your Holy name….He is worthy to be praised. I receive this word in the name of Jesus.