The Father Says Today: May 2nd, 2019

The Father says today, My mercies are renewed in your life every morning. You may feel at times you are captive to your personal history, but that is the false appearing real. I am the God of time and eternity, and there is no restriction or circumstance of birth that restrains you from receiving highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled this very day. Keep reaching for highest and best. Dare to believe the impossible. If your hopes are not entirely unrealistic from a human standpoint, you need to mix them with more faith. Faith moves the mountains. Faith realizes the impossible. That is the rarified atmosphere you are born to as My child.
Never allow doubt to linger in your mind. Treat it as a passing and distasteful suggestion and move on. Turn your face into the fresh wind of My favor that blows gently to wake you every morning of your earth walk. Repent of the wrongs and the sins you’ve committed and keep walking into the Dayspring arising from on high that is ahead of you in your day. There is no need to defend yourself or explain why you failed or fell short. Rationalization of human weakness is only necessary if you intend to make a career of failure or moral bankruptcy. I haven’t called you to failure. I haven’t called you to a life of regret. There is nothing spiritual about a sad face filled with disappointment. Let all that go and embrace My joy that awaits you like sunrise each day – creating and recreating the opportunities that are continually conforming your life to My promise.

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