The Father Says Today: May 23rd, 2018

The Father says today, let the dead hear My voice. Those dead hopes that lie buried with your memories of regret and remorse are stirring to new life. What man thinks is in the realm of the impossible, I am now bringing to resurrection. Refuse to rationalize away your blessing. The situation says, there is no hope. The circumstance insists that you give up and give in. Those around you, even loved ones are clucking their tongues with raised eyebrows, wondering why you don’t just surrender and move on. Can you hear the dry bones coming together in the valley of regret?
Let the scoffers deride your dreams! Let even those who claim to love you look away in shame as I breathe My resurrection wind across your life. I have given you this day, not only to have life but to have life in yourself as I have life in Myself. It’s a new day. The Daystar is arising in your heart. Every buried dream. Every disappointment entombed in past memories of sadness and sorrow will now be spaded under to make room in the soil of your heart for new promise, new hope and new expectancy. The morning of joy and gladness is breaking. Everything is about to change in your life, says God.

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