The Father Says Today: May 23rd, 2012

The Father says to you let the mind that is in Christ be the mind that is in you today. All of creation originated in My mind before I ever said, “Let there be Light.” From My Spirit came the power that gave form and substance to the design and plan for each living thing. I have put this mind and this spirit in you. It is UP TO YOU to let this mind BE in you. This mind and this spirit in you will do the same thing that it does in Me. My mind and My Spirit are the driving force behind My Lordship, says the Father. When I said, “All Power is Given Unto Me in Heaven and in Earth,” I was making that power available to you. What are you going do with what I died on the cross to install on the inside of you? I know this isn’t how you feel. You feel powerless. You feel as those you are at the mercy of the elements and the winds of circumstance. I have a question for you: What if you weren’t? What if you only felt weak but were actually imbued with the energy and information that spun the worlds into space and made every living thing? What if the blood of the cross actually entitled you to wield that power on your own behalf and in behalf of others? What if the release of that energy is what prayer and declaration are all about? What then, says the Father?

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Other Comments

  • April says:

    I have been reading these prophetic words over this last week and the timing of them has been so precise. They are really encouraging me to continue speaking the Lord’s word over my life and my family. Thankyou so much for this site. Blessings to you.

  • I want to bless you and say a special thank you for the work you’re doing. This site is blessing to me, it encourages, push and lifts me up many days. I love the new web site.

  • chico javon debarge says:

    Their is power in the blood of Jesus for us! Amen this blessed me today