The Father Says Today: May 18th, 2022

The Father says today, it’s time to wake up and realize that the shaking happening all around doesn’t have to shake you. All that you can see, is causing total upheaval in the enemy’s camp but will not have the same effect for you. Instead of focusing on the fear and trouble, you can set your course in a new direction and allow the dust and debris that has build up on your life to fall away along with the clouds that have tried to block your vision. Nothing can hinder My plans. Your time spent in the secret place with Me makes you sensitive to My leading and clears a path where you will walk free and well equipped, out from under the heavy load you have been carrying. It’s time to fully surrender.

My best lies just ahead for you so you can unclinch your hands from holding your own plans so tightly that there is no room for Me to move in the situation. I have the perfect blueprints for your life and I know how to get you to your destination safely and to the full. Unload your cares of the past and the previous season, cast them upon Me because I care for you. My best for you includes a burden-free life; a life of love, joy and peace. I Am well able to carry whatever load or burden you may bear and I have the answers to the questions you seek. Purpose in your heart to seek Me first, My Kingdom and My righteousness then all the other needs in life and even your deepest heart desires will be added to you.

Georgette Thompson

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  • A Reed says:

    Thank you for this awesome word. I believe and receive it. Blessings, Shalom and Agape. 👀🙏🏽📖❤

  • Danielle Barclay says:

    Beautiful word. Please change the layout back to the way it was before. Larger font, easier to read. This new layout looks good, but harder to read.
    God bless you.