The Father Says Today: May 18th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today let your mouth pray. From the depths of your heart begin to pray bigger prayers. Pray prayers of increase, enlargement and greater purpose. Set your expectations higher. Think bigger about My promises in your regard. You aren’t thinking big enough. I am a BIG God and I don’t do small things. Enlarge your prayers. Enlarge your expectations. Get rid of those weak prayers and small-minded supplications. You must now think bigger and dream higher if you are going to comprehend all that I purpose to do in your life. It is no longer necessary to expend all your spiritual energy addressing problem after problem that never seems to come to an end. I have called you to rule and to reign. This is not a “some day” proposition but a NOW reality.
The prayers I respond to are not about begging or pleading. Faith filled prayers are about ruling and reigning in your now circumstance. Can you take NOW for an answer says the Father? Can you receive the promise now? Now is all I have to give you. Past and present are perspective of a fallen creature. Step out of a time bound perspective and into a NOW expectation where ruling and reigning are the base state, the default state of the believer. I know this isn’t what you have been taught but you be a Father pleaser and set your expectations on My promise and not the rationalizations of dead religion. I am not a God of the dead but of the living and I am making you this day more alive than you have ever been in My promise.

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