The Father Says Today: May 16th, 2022

The Father says today, it’s not by might nor power, but by My Spirit. Every other kingdom shall crumble, the deaf shall hear and the blind shall see. The miraculous that you cry out for does not come by human endeavors or what man can conjure up, but only by My leading in the proper timing. The intricacies involved in My plans are not always obvious to the natural mind. That is why everyone loves the scripture, no eye hath seen nor ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man the things that I have prepared for those who love Me. And it is true, My thoughts and plans are higher than yours giving you confidence in the wonderful things prepared for your future. I hold your future in My hands, and your future is good, My plans for you are good; for you to prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.

Take it a step further to include the rest of that passage, but I reveal things to you by My Spirit. My Spirit searches the depths of life and truth in Me. You cannot receive or know these depths in Me any other way. The spirit of the world is in direct opposition to Me and is increasing in resistance all around. However, you are not led by the spirit of the world, but by My Spirit, not only to provide wisdom, direction and guidance through the affairs of life, but also so that you will simply know of Me, My deep and endless love for you and that I give of Myself to you freely when your heart is towards Me and open to receive. Open your heart to Me today. My Spirit is roaming and searching throughout the earth even this moment, seeking those whose hearts are devoted to me so that I can show Myself strong on their behalf.

Georgette Thompson

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  • A Reed says:

    For the Lord’s Glory. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.👀🙏🏽📖❤