The Father Says Today: March 8th, 2023

The Father says today that My voice is as the voice of many waters. Enter into the streams of My sound with a hearing ear, and I will show you great and mighty things that you know not of. I will cause My voice to be heard in ways that others around you might not understand. Some will think it thundered. Others will say it was an angel, but it isn’t thunder, and it isn’t an angel, it is My voice making known to you the mysteries that I have implanted within you from the foundation of the world.

Prophet Russ – I am Sowing My Faith
into This Word – Today!

You ARE fearfully and wonderfully made, says the Father. You are a treasure so valued by Me that I purchased the whole field of sin, disobedience, and shortcoming, that I might recover you from fracture and brokenness and reshape your life into My image. So allow your spirit-man to resonate to My sound this day, says the Father. My voice is the sound that comes whirling upon the breezes and alights as a tongue of fire that will cause you to speak My language with My voice. The mountains and the hills will tremble because, through YOU, My sound is being heard in dark places.

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