The Father Says Today: March 13th, 2021

The Father Says Today: March 13th, 2021

The Father says today, My supply lines of abundance are reaching you. The entire inventory of concerns that are in your heart have not escaped My notice. Every deficit, every source of anxiety beyond your reach is safely under My supervision. I am working and bringing about My will. Be at peace. Be of good cheer. I have heard your cry, and I will be petitioned of your hand. As you look to Me, even for loved ones and those that are out of the way – realize that you are a part of the process. You are a part of their deliverance. I will put My words in your mouth, and strategies of kindness and goodness to soften their hearts and bring them to safety. Know that I take no pleasure in the destruction of those that have been misdirected in life. It is My will to redeem, and as you intercede even in the night seasons, know that I am working.

Roll the care of every circumstance over on Me. Trust Me for it all. Know that I am not only attentive to your needs, but neither am I neglecting your dreams. Go ahead, dream a bigger dream. Even during great challenges and difficulties, I never despise the dreamer. Expect more of the life and life more abundantly that I have promised. I went to the Cross to bring you more than bare survival. I would that you prosper and be in health and ride high above the nations of the earth. My blessing is coming. My blessing is there now manifesting during the chaos. Broaden your horizons and believe for highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled. I will be petitioned of you, even as I was petitioned of Jabez, who cried out to Me “enlarge my coast” and I granted him the thing he desired. Keep trusting. Keep looking to Me. The greater works are being made manifest, and things are about to come to yoke easy and burden light.

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Other Comments

  • Jodi Cipriano says:

    Father I trust your Prophet. Let it be as you have told him in my life .Thank you for tangible answers even now

  • A Reed says:

    Yes, I surrender all. As I thank the Lord for speaking through Prophet Russ into my life and situations. Have Your way Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.

  • Father God thank you but you’re mindful of every hurt of every fear and it all crashes underneath the weight of your truth but you love me make my family and me living stones found it on you the rock the Chief Cornerstone thank you for your share and Tender Mercies and that your arm is not too short to save me my family my savior my king my Lord I bless you this game that you will be manifest in my life in my family’s life all praise and glory and honor are yours Lord I amen