The Father Says Today: June 8th, 2018

The Father says today, you cannot solve the problem on the level of the problem. You cannot bring peace in the midst of conflict. You cannot bring healing where only corruption and contamination of spirit reign. These things are the distraction of the enemy to take your eyes off of who I am and what I am doing to free and liberate you. Don’t look at these things beloved, look to Me and live. Pull yourself away from all those things demanding your attention and just look to Me. Look to Me saying, “Father, you are My refiner…” Look to Me and say, “Father, you are My relief and My deliverance…” For I am refining you and I am delivering you and I am bringing you relief in the midst of the trial.
You cannot solve the problem on the level of the problem, says God. You must ascend above the problem on the wings of your faith, no longer trembling and uncertain. Just because you don’t know what to do doesn’t mean you aren’t going to get through this. Do you trust Me? Let Me take it from here. Do you trust Me? Then go low and just worship Me till the scourge that comes at noon day passes over you. Till the arrows of the enemy whiz past you and fail to find their mark. I am hiding you. I am keeping you. You are coming out on the other side of things without even the smell of smoke on your garments.

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