The Father Says Today: June 29th, 2020

The Father says today I want you to get all that Calvary paid for on your behalf. You are a purchased possession. I have wrought the work of a kinsman redeemer to bring you from the domain of darkness into the kingdom of light. There is in My house laid up and on hand for you the complete inventory of blessing, benefit, and increase. Accept it and claim it as your own. Turn a deaf ear to those who vomit out cursing, negativity, and disqualification against you. I’m not listening to them; why should you? Listen, beloved, the voice of Calvary’s provision speaks FAR LOUDER in your defense than the prating, ignorant and unenlightened people in your life that keep digging up what I have already dealt with by the shed blood of Heaven’s best in your behalf. To the merciful, I will show mercy. To those who forget the past, I will not hold their past accountable regarding what happens next in their life.

This is your season to bless, release, and forgive. Forgiveness issues are like weeds in your garden. You can deal with them, and then over time, they grow back again. Maintain diligence lest the weeds of unforgiveness choke out what I am bringing forth of My goodness in your life. Those who refuse to bless, release, and forgive will taste the dregs of their own cruelty in full measure, for I am a God that rejoices in mercy and clemency and release. That is your portion and the portion of all those who embrace My truth and let the past go. Those who bless you I will bless and those who curse you, those who even trifle with you in the slightest regard I will execrate from your life, so leave them to Me. In mercy, I will show mercy, but to the unmerciful, I will move to convince them of the error of their ways and cause them to realize that the cost of criticism, judgment, and bitterness is far too high a price to pay. Trust Me in this for I am working. Never take matters into your own hands. To the degree, you bless and release the offenders to that same degree, I will exponentially increase the yoke easy and burden light in your own life.

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