The Father Says Today: June 27th, 2020

The Father says today the provision for your health and well being is not behind a mask, it’s on the Cross. If I certified the Israelites that I would not put on them the diseases that the Egyptians experienced – how much more and on what better promises do you stand upon? Your blessing does not come to you from the mountain that burned with fire or from the blood of animals on an earthly altar. Your health, provision, and well-being were purchased once and for all 2000 years ago with the life’s blood of Heaven’s Darling shed on your behalf.

Fear not says God for the things that you see coming upon the earth. A thousand may fall at your right hand and ten thousand on your left, but it will not come near you. Only with your eyes will you see the calamity of the wicked for I have covered you with My feathers and sheltered you under My wings. What can man do to you? There is no epidemic in heaven, and there is no pandemic in My kingdom. Your citizenship is in heaven, where Corona wears no crown, and the promises of My word have the last say regarding what comes next in your life!

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