The Father Says Today: June 14th, 2023

The Father says today I am alive and working on the inside of you. Under that thin veneer of frail humanity – unmitigated power resides that will not be impeded or constrained by any limitation or fracture. I am on the inside of you, says God. My kingdom is in you. My glory is in you. Melt down inside yourself with complete yeildedness that you might FEEL and EXPERIENCE what it is to be one with Me in the midst of the mess that men have made in your life and situation. Trust Me. Allow Me to ooze out of your pores and shine through your gaze and be made known in your words for AS I AM, so are YOU in the earth! This is the threshold of the Greater Works ministry. It may not seem like it or feel like it, but My kingdom is not a “feel-like kingdom,” and My kingdom is not a “seems-like kingdom.” My kingdom resides upon the throne of that heart that is resigned to My will and in pursuit of My glory!

Be a pursuer this day, says God. Refuse to sit on the sidelines of life, for I have called you to the fifty-yard line, the goal line of total breakthrough. It is your portion, and it is what I am doing in you and through you this day. Rise up. Gear up. I say again, GEAR UP and know that the water of My Spirit is refreshing you for the challenge. The angels that fed the prophet are feeding you – not the bread of sorrow or contention but the bread of life whereby life and life more abundantly becomes totally manifest in your life. Challenges are subsiding. Sorrow is lifting. Gainsaying and slander? They are destroyed by the breath of My nostrils. I heard what they said, and I heard the secret counsels of their hearts as they looked at your struggle and said, “ah ha, ah ha!” They are going to be disappointed, says God, when they see the explosive detonation of My favor in your life that will change and is changing everything!

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