The Father Says Today: June 13th, 2023

The Father says it is time for you to take your place at the table of My favor that is extended to you now. Your now season of unparalleled favor surrounds you now and rests on your shoulders as a mantle of privilege paid for by the Cross of Calvary. It is time for My church to rise up and take its place as a carrier of My glory. It is time to lay down the religious barriers and embrace the brokenness of those around you are the are crying out for a breath of fresh air and a drink of the fresh water of My Spirit. Be seen in Me says God. Let the broken and the lost and those who are out of the way see My love and grace through you, My child. Do not be afraid to open wide your heart and your arms. Do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and reach those that seem unreachable. For I am with you always, and My love will flow through you to touch the lives of many. So lift up your eyes and see those that are crying out for help. Be a light in the darkness, a beacon of hope in this world. For I have called you for such a time as this to be a vessel of My love and to bring healing to the nations. The time is now. Will you answer the call?

My invitation is extended, and your place at My table of bounty awaits. Invite likewise the rejected, the downcast, and the marginalized, for I have chosen them. Others turned away from My glory – they had something better to do. Be a faithful steward welcome those who are coming to My supper along with you. On Calvary, I generously gave My life to the needy by opening My heart and pouring out My blood. Now, I call upon you in faith and love for the lost to open access to My goodness by your testimony and your witness. Open wide your arms to those who have been wrongly turned by religious mentalities because they didn’t talk right, look right or act right. I choose them, says the Father – make them likewise your choice for a table-mate. The scribes, Pharisees, and hypocrites have refused to come, so I am bringing those from the highways and byways. They will arrive broken, bleeding, and unclean, not looking or smelling their best. They will interrupt the usual church routine, and some of My children will be offended. These children have forgotten where they came from and drawn an imaginary line between themselves and those they exclude and look down upon. Get ready, says the Father, to help the wounded and be a willing worker in this new harvest because it is already here. The wait is over, and the harvest has begun!

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