The Father Says Today: June 10th, 2012

The Father says “You are not a second-place citizen in My Kingdom.” There are no Esau’s in the New Covenant. There are none over which I say “This one I have loved less”. I cannot love you less, says the Father. I can only love you more. I love you more than you can fathom or understand.

When the fullest understanding of My love for you has been plumbed like an unfathomable depth, I love you more than that. When you completely comprehend the sufferings of the cross, I love you more than that. When you realize I went down into hell with your name on My lips, I love you more than that.

When you grasp the implications in your life of My resurrection and ascension, I love you more than that. Were it possible for human tongues to laud to the fullest extent that capacity of My longing to bless and keep and elevate you above the cares and troubles of life, I love you more than that.

I love you more, says the Father. Receive that love today. Receive that love and spend the implications of that love as a lavish stipend against the needs and longings of your life. I love you, says the Father. This is what everlasting love looks and feels like.

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  • Amalia Bento says:

    Thank you for the prophetic worths for everyday. They are so encouraging, and help’s me to go on with my day, and to meditate on them. Bless you.

    • The love you have for me is like the love I had from you as a child, I remember riding my bike and asking for your help in my school work, especially for the testing of my spiritual courses,called catechism in those days; I wanted to empress you with what I was studying so desperately to pass. I never expected to get the second top marks in my grade 5 class, as all the other subjects were hard to learn for me or possibly not interested. It’s just like you to bless me in the things of your Holy Spirit. You see the beginning and the end of all things……… Now once again as a senior, you are now taking me to a new place in your love for me, bringing me to being a better student in a posture of an awaited surprise coming soon……..I hope!

  • Amalia Bento says:

    Father, thank you for your word. It is such an encoragement. If only I could get hold of understanding how deep Your love is for me! But I believe that You will make that understanding possible to me. Your Grace will make it possible. Thank you Abba Father.

  • WOW! Thank you Father for answering my question! Thank you so very much, I feel truly blessed and privileged to receive this message from you. Thank you Father. God bless this ministry!

  • Daphne says:

    I’m very blessed by todays prophecy nd learning that I’m loved by God