The Father Says Today: July 27th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that you are living, and moving and having your being not in a natural environment but in the spiritual environment of My presence, My person, and My kingdom. Your natural mind was designed to help you navigate in the natural world. Your spiritual mind was designed to be an expression of My heart, My passion, and My love. You need not spend endless hours turning over in the night cogitating over the problems of the day. The mind of man will never come up with answers to your challenges because you can’t solve the problem on the level of the problem. You must now come up higher and take your place by Me. The difficulties that the natural mind endlessly exhausts itself upon can be instantly solved with one intuitive insight of the breath of My nostrils breathing over you right now.
So listen to the first witness that comes to you in the midst of a difficulty for that is the voice of My Spirit. What comes after is the vein jangling of an impotent intellect incapable of turning one hair white or black. Are you ready to be lifted out of stress, and worry, and fear? This is the upward path says the Father. come unto Me for My yoke is easy and My burden is light. No longer listen to those voices that cry “the burden of the Lord, the burden of the Lord”. For the burden of the Lord is not heavy but light. I am lightening your load and releasing to you the resources of My glory this day that will reconfigure your entire existence!

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