The Father Says Today: July 22nd, 2012

The Father says today that you think you are on your last gasp and that loss is inevitable. I say to you that your dream, your vision is still viable and living. You are going to have to trust Me says the Father as I walk you through this next few days and weeks. The roar of the enemy against your life WILL dull because I am on the scene making Myself known as your redeemer, deliverer and friend.
Fear not says the Father. Fear not regarding the future or what you think it holds. You don’t have all the information and I hold all the cards. The enemy’s hand is an empty threat and you will come through the current crises intact and on target for the purposes of My kingdom. Rest in Me. Rest and trust and expect My intervention to be efficacious and beneficial in your behalf.

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Other Comments

  • miyon says:

    Thank You for that word. i needed to hear that encouragement. I feel better now.

  • Peggy Sides says:

    Russ, thank you and Kitty for your faithfulness and for your listening ear to The Father. You both minister and speak into my life so very much and I just want to thank you both and thank God for using you as His Divinely Selected Instruments to further His Kingdom Work. I just read the Word for today and it brought tears to my ears as it penetrated my heart and what I am going through at the moment. The conference was wonderful and I appreciate the opportunity to share in the Ministry God has laid upon your hearts. I ask right now that God bless you both richly in Jesus Name – Amen (SO-BE-IT!!!)

  • Lilly Broer says:

    I am encouraged by this word for it describes my heart concerning a situation in my family that has been very heavy on my heart for the past two years. We have seen some big breakthroughs but next week or two are still uncertain. I will rest and trust and expect His intervention to be beneficial on our behalf.

  • karlene says:

    AMEN. Thank you for this precious word. It has given encouragement to my heart.

  • I am experiencing tears of joy . I will trust you Lord . You are always faithful. Always providing for me.Loving kindness toward me. I feel so secure in you Lord . Thank you man of God for delivering Gods heart towards us .

  • Thank you for that very encouraging word for many of us.May we keep our eyes and minds on Almighty God to fulfil His purposes in our lives and in all the earth,in Jesus’ Name.