The Father Says Today: July 20th, 2012

The Father says today that I am going to cause you to revisit some failed harvests in your life. There are projects and aspirations that failed in your past and you moved on to other things. You moved on because you didn’t know what else to do because the promise you thought I gave was not coming to fruition.
There may be failed harvests but there are never forgotten harvests. I keep meticulous records of every assurance I have ever given you.  I will settle accounts with you says the Father. At every point where you stood on the efficacy of the cross and believed for the mountain to be removed I made record and I will make good on the word given.
When the landscape of your life begins to remind you of past loss and failure don’t shrink back or turn away. Don’t say in your heart “I tried that and it didn’t work out”. I am settling the accounts says the Father. I am striking the balance between what you believed for and what I have promised. You will see the substance of that which you hoped for. Cooperate with Me in this says the Father and you will receive the prize!

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