The Father Says Today: July 13th, 2021

Even though it seems like forever to you, it hasn’t been that long in the scheme of things. Yes, you have done all to stand and you are standing on My Word, which doesn’t return void, or without affect. My Word is able to bring itself to pass in your life when mixed with your faith, your words, and your actions. What you do with these three does affect the outcome and the time, but there is a due season for everything under heaven. Due season always comes. What kind of harvest do you have in your life right now? What kind of harvest do you want? Check up on the seed you are sowing. Some seeds you want to flourish and grow, and you add fertilizer for increase. Other seeds need a crop failure so you can till the land and plant good seeds. As a farmer takes the necessary steps to ensure a bountiful harvest, so you too have been given power and authority to watch over your own field and what is planted in the soil of your heart.

One day very soon, you will wake up and suddenly things will be different. What seemed like an endless time in the checkout line, your breakthroughs will come to you one happening on the heels of the other, blessing upon blessing until it overflows. Can you believe that I will do that for you? You do believe I am able, right? Then you can believe I Am Willing. If it has to do with blessing you, then I’m in on it. Things aren’t random; however, your character is being built up to be able to handle the magnitude of blessing I am going to pour out upon you. To ensure your success, just as in any endeavor, the necessary materials, time and abilities are needed, and it will happen. Same with you, as you are in the waiting stages, these are being built within you for the manifestation of your earnest expectation and your hope. Only do not grow weary in well doing for in due season you will reap if you don’t give up and faint. That you can be sure of.

Georgette Thompson


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Other Comments

  • Niccole Stewart says:


  • A Reed says:

    Be it unto me as it has been spoken. I believe, may the Lord help my unbelief. This word encourages on a time needed. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.

  • Olevia D. Bethune says:

    Amen! Thank you for this on time encouraging word-God is in the details!