The Father Says Today: June 12, 2012

The Father says that the blood of Christ has made you near to Me. This is a past work, not a present process. The natural mind wants to cry out, “Lord, bring Me near to you!” I say to you this day that I have already made you as near as you could possibly get.

I am calling you to lay aside an Old Covenant paradigm and walk in the fullness of the New Covenant way of seeing yourself and your relationship with Me. In the Old Covenant, I said, “draw nigh to Me, and I will draw nigh to you…” In the New Covenant, I said, “I have made you near to Me by the blood of the son…”

In the Old Covenant, I said, “Cleanse your hands ye sinners!” In the New Covenant, I invite you “Receive the cleansing of the blood of the Son….” In the Old Covenant, I said the unrighteous would be destroyed without remedy. In the New Covenant, I say, “I am your righteousness, your peace, your power and your joy….”

The law is good if you use it for its intended purposes, says the Father. I gave the law to bring you to the end of yourself so you would look to Me. Stop trying to cleanse yourself and shape yourself according to the dictates of religious performance. I haven’t called you to be merely reformed, says the Father. I have called you to receive transformation and renewal in Me. The Old Covenant made demands upon what you do. In the New Covenant I am transforming WHO YOU ARE.

You are no longer a child of wrath, says the Father. You are My beloved child that I am bringing into a place of favor and approval.

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  • Tracey Dingus says:

    Oh Ho he Loves you and me,Oh how he longs for us to be free,Oh how he dies for us to be free,Oh if we could only receive all thatb he did for you and me. Thank you for making us free!I receive the shift. Thank you for your obedience Man of God as you answer the call of God daily on your life. may God restore virture back into our ife and rplenish your ministry to the overflow always abounding in the work of the Lord.The word of God is like a breath of fresh air to my lungs because Im literally exasperated by the fight I am enduring in the spirit Thank you for helping me to Hold up the blood stained banner of the Lord.It gives me so much strength & encouragement.Like the voice of one calling in the dep my spirit hears you!I long for something fresh&new in the spirit realm. My soul cries out yes because I am hungry and I kmow there is more to God than what my present circumstances are dictating.May God richly Bless you Man7 woman of God in all that you do & have need of. may it come back to you as soon as you release it.For your words are as healing salve to the woundd and I receive what the spirit of te Lord is saying to me through you.I am Gods woman by design. Have a Blessed Day!

  • Daphne says:

    I thank God for the blood of Jesus and changing my life for a better person I am today thank u Daddy

  • Stephanie says:

    Just wondering if that was prophetic for next month!! lol…Amen Good word!! Yes FAther!

  • NOAH SEKU says:

    Thank you lord for cleansing me daddy ,thank you for accepting me us your beloved son by the blood .