The Father Says Today: July 10th, 2020

The Father says today weep not neither be sorrowful for the losses you have experienced are but the bare grain of a greater harvest. That job loss, that untimely death, that relationship breakup is just a little grain that has fallen to the ground. Give it to Me. Don’t take it as the enemy’s theft but as an investment awaiting a sevenfold return. That which has fallen into the ground will not abide alone but will bear much fruit as you relinquish the grief and frustration to Me. There will be dancing, and there will be singing, says God. The harvest will come, and it will be HA HAH in the harvest and rejoicing over the recovery as Job – double for all that was taken.

Behold says God the day of blessing upon blessing and encouragement upon encouragement has come. I will establish you and give you a reputation of favor to take away the reproach for you will be fruitful, and again I say very fruitful in the same ground where once you lamented over a burned-over field. Vision is coming and yes, vision upon vision upon vision not of the darkness and the gloom but morning spread on the mountains, of good things ahead and yea – good days. The honey will drip down and flow down even as from the haft of Jonathan’s spear for I have given your enemies into your hand and exalted you above your fellows because you chose, and you are choosing to humble yourself before Me.


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  • Melinda D Grayson says:

    Gloryyyyyyyyyyyyy to God!!! I receive this RHEMA word by faith in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Amen!! IT IS SO!!! TODAY!!! NO MORE DELAYS!!! HALLELUJAH JESUS 👑🌹👑