The Father Says Today: January 9th, 2019

The Father says today, My fear is clean. Every other fear arises from an unclean spirit. This day I am your light and your salvation. Who will take from you what I have most assuredly given? Refuse to relinquish your peace, for My kingdom is peace. Refuse to surrender your joy, for My kingdom is joy. Never allow the enemy or circumstances to rob you of your sense of entitlement as My beloved child. It doesn’t matter what things look like as a snapshot of a particular moment. I am the God who knows the end from the beginning no matter what takes place. Meanwhile, you will come out on the other side without even the smell of smoke on your garments.
I am the fourth man in your fire, says the Father. I am the ram caught in the thicket. The price is paid, and the way is made clear. Move forward not on explanations, rationale or man’s idea of what happens next. Be willing to be clueless. This day I will lead you forth with joy and cause you to go forth with peace. You are this day in the fast lane of circumstances orchestrated by My hand. Despair not. Refuse to form the opinion that things aren’t working out for your good, for that is the perspective of impatience and surrender to what is in place of what I am about to bring about. Be careful about nothing. In everything give thanks. Expect the unexpected and know that I am in the midst of even the bleakest situation working out your highest good.

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Other Comments

  • Praise the Lord.Lord help those who are in need in your will. says:

    Praise the Lord.Thank You for all your blessings n may God protect his people.

  • Julia Chesters says:

    Blessings Russell for your encouragement in Gods Word of Peace in our earthly walk. Gods reassurance stood out as I read Psalm 22, 57 and 61 all empowering the days in my own circumstances. I reside with my family as a temporary measure, which is challenging because they are not walking in The Light of Christ Jesus, but I continue to pray that The Lord will cut off at the root their earthly ways! I continue to Trust the Lord and witness the enemy to be pushed back.
    I’m praying for the right way forward in my daily circumstances for the right home, and surroundings with a Christian Fellowship. I continue to bless those around me my daughter Nina, Steve and granddaughters Hana and Alanis. They all need prayer for especially my daughter Nina who confides in a medium and the pagan walk of The Zen religion. Steve has no Faith. They are all hard working towards their community and work areas. At birth they all came before The Lords Altar to give thanks for their birth and for Gods Blessings and more. Like all of us they have known and experienced many challenges of life. I continue to pray for their Salvation. Amen