The Father Says Today: January 5th, 2023

The Father says today; I have a plan that is unfolding around you and being birthed in you. I have a plan, yet you do not fully understand it. You have sought after and endeavored to establish in your mind the parameters of what your spirit told you I’m about to do, but I say, fret not! The fulfillment of what I am doing is not incumbent upon your understanding but your obedience. Servants obey from the head, but your obedience is a heart obedience as a dear child, not an indentured servant.

Well done, says the Father. Come this day into the relinquishing of your concepts and principles, and be released into the rarified atmosphere of My thoughts. My thoughts are establishing you, and My thoughts are flowing through you. My thoughts are releasing in you the energy and information that brings breakthrough, adjustment, and promotion. Come up higher, says the Father, that My voice might be heard in your land without distortion. Your hearing is not as good as it could be, but I am improving that. Yes, I am turning up the amplitude of my voice in your life in a supernatural way. In quietness and rest, you will receive My downloads into your spirit, and thereby, as you act in accordance with My revealed will, my purpose will not fail in your life.

Prophet Russ – I Want You to Be the Prophet in My Life!

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Prophet Russ Walden

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