The Father Says Today: January 28th, 2024

The Father says today, stand firm. Not with the rigidity of stone, but with the rooted strength of an oak weathered by storms yet still reaching for the sun. Like Caleb, remember? Even at an age when most would settle for what life hands them, he refused to dim his hope for the promised land. And I tell you, child, I have placed in your hands not a deed to mere land, but the title deed to life itself, life overflowing, brimming with abundance beyond your wildest imagining. This is not a promise for some distant tomorrow, a reward dangled before your eyes to keep you trudging through the dust. Your inheritance is ordained to be your present reality. “As in heaven, so on earth,” that’s the decree, etched into the very fabric of existence. No lack lingers, and no waiting period exists. The miracle of the Cross? That was the grand unveiling, the final act of a symphony composed in love. Nothing is left undone, and no additional performance is required. To doubt this, to wait for some further sign, is to question the very essence of My gift.

The call now, child, is yours. Faith, not fretting, is the key. Live a life woven in fidelity, your heart surrendered to My rhythm. In that harmony, the wonders will unfold, doors locked tight will swing open on their own, and obstacles that seemed impassable will crumble to dust. No need to beg, no need to cajole. Accept the fullness of the Cross, let it wash over you, and cleanse your doubts. Move forward, not with trepidation, but with the boundless joy of a child holding a kite string, confident the wind will carry it skyward. Remember Abraham, leaving his comfortable Ur behind, family squabbles clinging to his robes like desert sand? Until he shed those burdens, the true promise couldn’t take root. So it is with you, child. There might be things clinging to your heart, precious in their own way, but holding you back from the fullness of My inheritance. Look them squarely in the face, acknowledge their value, and then, with open arms, release them. Let them go, not with bitterness, but with the understanding that My promise dwarfs those earthly treasures. This is not a sacrifice, but a trade-up, a leap of faith rewarded with a universe overflowing with grace. Trust Me, child. Take My hand, step out of your Ur, and embrace the life you were always meant to live.

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Other Comments

  • Thank you for this very encouraging, reminder word that all has been completed by Jesus and our ‘Heaven on Earth’ experience only awaits our faith-filled expectant actions

  • MOIRA SHOLE says:

    I am so thankful to God for delivering me from bitterness. I would not be working with my colleagues if I haboured bitterness within my heart, they are the worst people to work with, but I still choose to work with them. I also join my family if we have to come together with no problem, no bitterness. God is so good, thank you Prophet for your words of encouragement.

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