The Father Says Today: January 25th, 2023

The Father says today that you are the children of Abraham because of your fidelity and relationship with Me. I said I would bless Abraham and his seed. That “seed” is Christ. In My earth walk, I took of the Abrahamic covenant and released it as a legacy and a free gift to all those who came after Me. Because I am your Lord and Savior, you are the blessed in faithful Abraham. Thereby I say that I have called you out from the kindred of men into the kindred of My Spirit. I have called you out of human culture and inheritance into the trackless depths of entitlement in My kingdom. I have called you out of the boundaries of an earthly house, and I have made you a spiritual house that will not be overthrown.

Prophet Russ – I Want You to Be the Prophet in My Life!

I said to Abraham that his seed would be like the stars of heaven. That ascension identity is your portion. You are not an earthly seed. You are not a mere indentured servant of religious culture. You are the newly born, and in you, My mercy is renewed every morning. My greatness is upon you, even the greatness of a nation born of God that the boundaries of men cannot contain or hold back. Know this, says your Father, that I will bless those that bless you, but those that trifle with you, I will execrate out of your life. You are the pupil of My eye, says the Father, and the full faith of the bank of Heaven is at your disposal; for My glory is contained within you and surrounds you like a shield even this day.

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