The Father Says Today: January 21st, 2023

The Father says today, see yourself through My eyes. See yourself as the redeemed. See yourself as the forgiven. See yourself as the entitled son, the entitled daughter of My right hand. You will in no way be denied or turned away from My throne of grace. I formed man in My image in the garden, and I ratified that image on the Cross. When I cried, “it is finished,” I laid the foundation of a whole new creation, a whole new species on the earth. When you are born again, the DNA of that new creation begins to replicate itself throughout your life. That process will not halt until you are perfected in My image.

So begin this day afresh and anew, to SEE yourself as I see you. When you look into that place in your heart that you yielded to Me, you will see Me looking back at you. Fear not, says the Father. I am inexorably extending Myself from the inmost part of you to the furthest periphery of your being. You are the beloved. I have set you as the pupil of My eye. Command your eyes to SEE as I see and to ACT as I act, and the power of sin, shame, and failure will yield to that image!

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