The Father Says Today: January 19th, 2023

The Father says today that confusion and resistance are a part of warfare. Do not assume, because you face contention, that you are not following the course I have set for you. I have not left you ignorant of Satan’s devices. Make your mind up not to be deceived by the smoke and mirrors by which the devil portrays himself as more than he is. In the scriptures, your enemy is identified as the “adversary.” He is subtle and crafty, but you can identify him in any area of life where adversity asserts itself. No matter how well hidden this strategy of hell is, you can expose him every time by tracking that which is adverse against you.

Your part is to resist, and My part is to put him to flight, says the Father. Resist the adversary, and he will flee – it is his nature, and I have given him no other choice. I formed light, and I create darkness, and yes, I created the waster to destroy, BUT NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER. So face each challenge with My thoughts, My mind, and My character. What are you going to do? You are going to do what I would do if I were in your position. Rise up into your entitlement today and know it as your just inheritance accorded by My hand. You are not a victim, and neither have I destined you to suffer ANYTHING that I paid the price for on Calvary.

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