The Father Says Today: January 16th, 2023

The Father says today that I am blowing the shofar with the blast of My nostrils into your spirit today. I am sending My wind to give life and breath to all that is within you. Tell your ears to HEAR My SOUND, says the Father. It is a sound that calls you to the feast of celebrating My blessing and My abundance. It is a sound of war against deprivation, denial, and failure. Your destiny will not be an abortion, says the Father. Listen to My voice and yield to My sound as it reverberates through every fiber of your being.

My sound is living and vibrant with strength, blessing, and favor. Open your ears to My sound and reject the whispers of the enemy that speak failure, defeat and despondency. The outlook is NOT bleak, says the Father. Command your eyes to see, for I have given you the city, and the citadels of darkness around you are falling in ruin to the earth. No more failure, no more sorrow, no more sighing for MY SOUND, says the Father, for I am sounding the CLARION annunciation of BLESSING, FAVOR, and KINGDOM PORTION in your life this day!

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