The Father Says Today: January 15th, 2019

The Father says today, let your praise and your worship be imbued with the freshness of heaven. The songs of yesterday have their place, but I have put a new song in your heart. I created you as a being whose heart and inner core are entirely permeable to music and song. Your very human spirit is an instrument of music far more beautiful and subtle than the sweetest refrain on the most refined instrumentation man can make. When I draw near to you by My presence, your spirit vibrates to My frequency. Just as the doorposts of My throne room resonate and smoke at the sound of My voice, so your inner man reverberates in response to the words of My mouth.
Receive the resonance of heaven in your heart today. Never allow the disharmony of the sounds of the fallen environment around you to draw you down or to dampen your spirit. I have called you to higher things. You are not a creature of the earth, earthly – you are a creature of the heavenly, formed and fashioned to reflect My glory in ways the most senior angel in My encampment could never do. Rise up to your full purpose. Open your mouth and sing the songs of the Spirit not written by human hand or in any meter that human instrumentation may orchestrate. My glory is within you. It is in you and flowing out from you into your surroundings. This is where the joy that is My kingdom and the peace that is My kingdom originates, and it is your full portion by My hand this day.

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