The Father Says Today: February 9th, 2020

The Father says today, you are who I say you are. Any ideation you have about yourself that contradicts what I have said about you in My word is a lie. Any image you are clinging to from the past that arises from pride and self-importance must be rejected, renounced, and laid aside – not because I am taking anything away from you but because of what I am adding to you of Myself, My mind and My Spirit. I am cleansing the way in your life that I might pour out the full measure of heaven’s destiny upon you. Let the chains be broken now, says the Father, by your willingness to obey, and associate yourself with the thoughts that I think toward you and not any false ideation or concept.

There are connections to people and places that are rank with pride and arrogance. They shake their fist in My face and despise My precepts. It is time to reject them and walk out and walk away lest you partake of their judgments. Cities are coming to judgment. Nations are being chastised not because I hate them, but because I love them. As Lot had to come out of Sodom, you know in your spirit, it is time to come out from some situations and things. Yes, it will cost you, but the reward of not looking back will be greater than you can see right now. Obey the voice of My Spirit, for I will speak over your shoulder saying, “this is the way, walk you in it…” and great will be your reward as you obey.

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Other Comments

  • Thank you Father,for your love,and these faithful freeing words.Thank you Lord you are in me to declare You.I am free.I speak to all things and say to all things hear the word of the Lord;I am free in Jesus.Amen.

  • israel moussa says:

    Hallelujah ! Thank You Fahter, Strengthen my obedience, Give me clarity, Help me to put You first in my life and make a habit of spending time with You, Help me to enjoy the feast You prepare for me right in the middle of the battlefield, Fill me afresh with the wonder of Your love and power, in the name of Jesus, Amen !

  • Joseph Mulwa says:

    Amen I receive,thank you Jesus.Have your way in my life Lord,take over Holy spirit . Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

    • Frances McHenry says:

      Thank you Lord for this Word! Father open my ears and mind so that I may hear your voice more clearly than I have ever before. Silence the noise and confusion in my environment. Speak Lord with amplification and clarity so that I hear more clearly than ever before, so that I will not miss my time and season, Amen and it is so and can not be otherwise!