The Father Says Today: February 21st, 2023

The Father says today, bring your alabaster oblation today, pour it over My head and pour it over My feet, this day. Go ahead, says your Father, render up your praise and adoration and your gift – will I not receive it? Will not your worship become the oil that makes My face shine at the right hand of My Father? Go ahead and pour out upon My feet; will they not be washed? As you have worshiped Me as head in the heavenly realm, so now pour out your oblation upon My feet on the earth. My feet – the feet of My body – My sons and My daughters are dusty, dry, and bleeding -will you NOT wash MY feet today?

As much as you have washed the feet of the least of these, so you have done it unto Me, says the Father. So take your opportunity as you have envisioned, and as you have craved that occasion to wash My feet with your tears and wipe them with the hairs of your head; EVEN SO, says the Nail-Scarred-One, come out NOW and find My feet on the earth, and as you wash THOSE FEET, I will receive your service of worship and CAPTURE YOU and catch you away into a NEW place of intimacy and experience of My fullness, for it is My heart and My pleasure to give place to those with the heart of humility and service, to find their portion in My bosom, even this day.

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  • My son lost his job due to witchcraft and he has a daughter, I need to represent my son in her family and help this child, my grand daughter. At least I am helping two people who has lost their jobs, my husband and his son. Thank you Father.