The Father Says Today: February 21st, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today live out of your sonship this day. Your new birth is the point of your point of departure from the norm. It was never intended that your life would be lived out in sorrow and denial and destitution. You are the beloved. Say that to yourself over and over: “I am the beloved”. I have set My love upon you and drawn you from the fractured realm of the domain of darkness and established you by My intent as My dearly beloved child. I am yours. You are mine. We are one. There is no death in Me therefore death cannot rule you. There is no lack in Me therefore lack cannot define you. There is no rejection, sorrow, denial, sickness in Me therefore come out from among THEM and BE SEPARATE.
When you accepted My son as your savior and your Lord you entered into My unbending intention to glorify Myself in the earth. In blessing I will glorify Myself. In power I will glorify Myself. I honor will I glorify Myself and all of this glory I will get for Myself is IN YOU! You are the receptacle, the canvas, the vessel within which I will display My undying love and majesty in the earth. You see I am coming IN you before I come FOR you. I will be magnified and glorified IN YOU and every eye will see and know and acknowledge that I have set My love upon you even this day for My glory and your good says the Father!

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