The Father Says Today: February 20th, 2020

The Father says today, I am your defense and your defender. Don’t let anything take your eyes off the harvest. Realize that I am the God that knows the end from the beginning. Your responsibility is to pray out the unknown part of what you are going through and leave the results up to Me. I was God when your unformed substance coalesced into a baby in your mother’s womb and I will be God on the other side of the mountain looming up before you. Rest. Trust. Move forward one moment, one hour at a time. The turbulence and instability under your feet will solidify even as the waves and waters under Peter’s feet carried him to My side as I waited on the billows. Don’t look to the right or to the left and don’t look back, for My soul has no pleasure in him that looks back.

This is pruning season, says the Father, and you are going to feel it because when I prune, I cut to the quick to bring forth life and more fruitfulness than you would have had otherwise. Are you a wild olive branch or a tame one? Find your origination in Me. Anchor yourself down into the Vine that I am and let Me take you where I will. You never were in charge. You have said “it’s all up to me…” but that was the illusion of the enemy seeking to exhaust you and make you feel isolated. You are not alone. You are not cast out. You are not left to your own devices. You are a beloved child of a Loving Father and I am exercising watch care over you with great and tender mercies that are renewed every day of your life. This is your portion. This is the path I have set before you. Accept it and move forward into the new day for you will not be disappointed.

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