The Father Says Today: February 19th, 2023

The Father says today that you are blessed going out and coming in. Your very movements invoke My presence and My favor. The angels assigned to you plan their day according to the slightest changes in your schedule and activities. My blessing upon you is more than warm wishes or mere religious sentiments. My blessing upon your life is to cause you to prosper and prevail in every circumstance and situation. I am with you, says the father. I am with you, and I am for you–I am at your side in all things, even choices you make that would have been otherwise had you listened to Me. I bore the reproaches against you 2000 years ago, and I bear them now, but I would prefer you to have a listening ear.

I completely accept you, says the Father. I accept you without reservation as My beloved and as one eligible to all the kingdom entitlements of BEING My BELOVED. Only know that My approval is another matter. Acceptance is unconditional, but approval must be earned. Take the yoke of My approval upon you and learn My ways, and model yourself after My thoughts and purposes. I am raising you up to be a beloved son who reflects My character and not that of immaturity or foolishness. Listen to My voice that echoes in the silence between your own thoughts. Be still and know, and in the knowing, take on My nature, and not only enjoy My favor, but manifest My character in all your dealings, even this day.

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Other Comments

  • Moira Shole says:

    I thank You Father for delivering me from the power and authority of the kingdom of darkness and from translating me to the kingdom of Your dear.son Jesus.

  • Moira Shole says:

    Thank You Father that You are the all knowing God, you know our situations better than us and you are the only fair judge, you know all sides and thank you that You will intervene because of your faithfulness.