The Father Says Today: December 7th, 2021

The Father says today, will I kindle a fire and there not be a burning? This is a season of refinement and much dross, much wood, hay and stubble is perishing in the flame. Don’t give it another thought. What you think you are losing never was what I had permanently in mind for you. Put your trust in Me and not the fleeting resources of limited man or his selfish ideas of accomplishment and reputation. Say in your heart “I will be of no reputation before man, that My Father might hold me in reputation in the heavens! Say it! Accept it. Embrace the truth of My deep calling to your deep this day says God. Remember from the land of Jordan and the hill Mizar for all My waves and billows are gone over you – sweeping away that which is fading and holding you back and plunging you headlong into a future of forward expectation where all your dreams are fulfilled and highest hearts desire spontaneously comes to pass.

Give them to Me says God. Give Me those thing you thought I was going to do and let Me do what I had in mind all along. It’s a new day. It’s a new day and now you get to walk with Me in a new way. Shed the soiled garments of yesterday’s failure and put on the linen ephod of My NOW. Walk through the walls of adversity. See THROUGH and not just WITH the eye that you might know there are more for you than there are against you. Believest thou this? I know you believe. You are a believing believer – so go ahead and be persuaded and convinced for the new has come, the old has faded and everything changes according to My plan from this moment on.

Prophet Russ Walden

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  • Yes, if Christ is for me no one can be against me. All things will workout for my good. Because the Lord is for me. I accept, believe and receive this prophetic word. Blessings, Shalom and Agape. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • AMEN AND AMEN! I receive this word on this day, my earthly father’s birthday. He now looks down on me from Heaven, cheering me on just as my Heavenly Father does. I am truly blessed. Thank You!