The Father Says Today: December 1st, 2023

The Father says today I am a man of war, and Jehovah is My name. I will be known by His name JAH, for I am a covenant-keeping God. The covenant by which I have placed you over in life is written on My thigh. Your name is graven on My hand, and though others may dismiss you and see you as insignificant, know this – I only have eyes for you. If you were the only inheritor of heaven’s best, I would still empty the vaults of heaven to meet your needs and fulfill your destiny. Though all the earth was devoid of life and only you were left standing, I would repopulate and replenish it all just to bring you to the fulfillment of your destiny! This is the scope of My love for you. This is who I am to you and who you are to Me.

Prophet Russ – This Word Resonates with Me! I accept and Believe For the Blessing in My Life – Today!

So, refuse to see yourself through the eyes of the self-important. They have compared themselves to themselves and concluded in their vanity just how significant they are, when in fact, in all their preponderance, they are only the small dust of the balance. I have measured you, says God. I have laid the plumbline of My estimation over the foundation of your life, I will build there, not man. Put your expectations upon Him. Know that it is the Father in you that does the work. You need not seek the favor of man, for the favor of the Father, My favor is upon you and overshadowing you. Look only to My. Look and live. Look and fully experience all that I have for you, for this is your time. Remember, you are a child of the King. I loves you more than you can ever imagine. I has a great plan for your life. So trust in Me and let Me lead you.

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Course: The Glory that Should Follow

Do You Need Someone to Agree with You in Prayer? There is power in the prayer of agreement. Jesus said that if any two of you agree on earth as touching anything that they ask, it shall be done for them, by God the Father… click to submit a prayer request..

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