The Father Says Today: December 13th, 2022

The Father says today that you are not a time-bound creature. Because I have time, you have time. Do not allow such thoughts even to enter your mind, for I am not a God of small things; I am the God of time, eternity, happenstance, and sovereignty. Your life is in My hands, and by My hand, I am crafting your days and numbering them in My book. So trust and know, trust and rest in the knowledge that a Master craftsman is at work on your behalf, producing the template of heaven on earth in your life.

Prophet Russ – I am Putting My Attention on the FATHER-FACT of God’s Love – Today!

My thoughts toward you are more than the sands of the sea. My plans that specifically and intimately involve you are more than the stars of the heavens. I crafted eternity as the parenthesis, in which My love would be worked out in your life in minute detail. You see, says the Father, I am for you. If I am for you, who can be against you? Who can diminish you? Place your focus and attention upon these FATHER FACTS. Let the FATHER FACT of My love galvanize you and expel all darkness, feelings of helplessness, or fictions of a bleak outlook. The best is yet to come!

Prophet Russ – I Want You to Be the Prophet in My Life!

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Prophet Russ Walden

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