The Father Says Today: December 12th, 2022

The Father says today, never obstruct My kindness toward others. When man was unlovely and an enemy of My kingdom, I sent the Only Begotten to ransom him from himself. Know that I settle every account in My own timing, and your reward is in aligning your thoughts and your heart with Me. Restrain your words and open your heart. Allow My character and My Spirit to flow through you without impediment. I AM the I AM, and all will be restored by My hand and in the manner of My choosing.

Love never fails, says the Father, so why would you EVER step out of love? Religion and religious minds know nothing of this love. Religion only knows the strained tolerance of self-justification and high-mindedness. Never allow this to be the cheap substitute for the Agape of God in your life, says the Father. Love passionately. Love unconditionally. Love without restraint and without ever pausing to check the price tag before you give of that which you have so freely received. This is the path that I have warned you of and encouraged you to take. The moment is now, and the reward is now, as you align yourself in every thought and deed to My love.

Prophet Russ – I Want You to Be the Prophet in My Life!

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Prophet Russ Walden

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