The Father Says Today: December 11th, 2022

The Father says today that this is the day that we celebrate who you are, what you do, and where I am taking you. Celebrate, says the Father, and rejoice! Know that highest heart’s desire is the starting place – the entering in place to My promise in your life. My template for your life is heaven come to earth, and there is no other outcome that is acceptable and no other plan that will prevail, says the Father, for I am your benefactor, and I will not be denied.

I will not be denied; therefore, you will not be denied. I cannot be defeated; therefore, you will not be defeated. Let go of all fear of being turned back or turned away. There are those that would plow your hopes under and crush your dreams, but they will be stymied and brought to dust and ashes. I am the God who is able – I am willing to promise and able to deliver! Lay hold on to My promise with all of your heart and all of your soul, without reservation or hesitation, for you will in nothing be dismayed or disappointed.

Prophet Russa – I Want You to Be the Prophet in My Life!

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Prophet Russ Walden

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