The Father says today, a new Glory wave is breaking out. This will usher you into a realm of notable miracles, signs and wonders. What was impossible with man will be possible with me, says God. The Glory will bring an undeniable transformation that will be so apparent to all who know you. It will be said that you have been with me, and I have done great things for you. Know that I Am the God of all flesh and nothing is too difficult for me. I Am changing the way you speak, says God and giving to you the tongues of the learned. You will now speak with such confidence that will astound many people who know you and your circumstance and have all but concluded that nothing good can come from a proverbial Nazareth, says the Father.
The lack of knowledge that makes men perish is leaving you. The ignorance that allowed for the devices of the enemy to prosper around you is changing, says God. You will now be well-informed and have great insight into the things of the kingdom of God. The depths of your wisdom, knowledge and understanding will be so strong that many will come to seek counsel from your abode. The season is changing and you’re changing. Your transformation is ongoing until the promised restoration is complete. The Glory wave is breaking out and it is to authenticate this new dawn era, says the Father.
Eric Maison
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Robertson says:
This is an incredible Word. It is awesome confirmation of what the Lord spoke to me at the beginning of the week. Keep going and speaking on behalf of the Lord. He has indeed appointed you for such a time that people need the encouragement.
V.S. says:
I receive it, in Jesus’ Name. New knowledge, new wisdom, new authority to speak God’s Word. Thank You!
A Reed says:
I receive, believe and agree with this prophetic word. It is and will be accomplished just as it has been spoken. Thank you. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.