The Father Says Today: August 25th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that you are an epistle written by My hand. I have penned your days in My book and now I will cause you to be known and read of all men. There have been seasons and times of hiddenness and obscurity but that is changing says the Father. I am announcing you and enunciating you as one who abides in the vine and gives forth in your season the vintages of My wisdom and My power. Drink deeply says the Father for the husbandman must be first partaker. You must be first partaker that I might pour out My oil and My wine on a dry and languishing humanity. Partake to the full says the Father and be refreshed for I am your strength and your joy.
The depths of My Spirit are calling says the Father. Let the shoreline go. Come out of the tide pools of shallow experience and know the fullness of My word come to pass in your life. My promise will not fail. They have said “where is the hope of His promise?” but know this; My word that I have accorded to you in the night seasons will not fail. My word will not fail because I am the word and I am not capable of failure. Come into the Fail-safe place in Me for in Me is no failure and no downturn. Trust in Me and rejoice. Trust in Me and step out boldly to acquire of all that I have promised and all that you have dared to believe Me for.

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