The Father Says Today: August 24th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today declare to the earth and the earth will hear you. Speak to the heavens and they shall rain down. The least of you is greater than Elijah and as the heavens obeyed Elijah and it rained not, so the heavens will hear the sound of My authority in your voice and they will respond. That which was lost in the fall is restored in Christ. You have a dominion in you bought by the shed blood of Calvary. The elements will obey you for in Me you are their master. The beasts of the field and the fowls of the air await the manifestation of the sons of God and you are destined to be of that company. This is your day. This is the coming out time for all those who have refused to be satisfied with the dry husks of religious death.
Stand up into your sonship says the Father. Go forth as a bride and put off the grave clothes. You are not a widow you are a bride – even My many membered bride. I am perfecting you and presenting you to Myself without spot and without wrinkle. Yield up and be made clean. Yield up and be cleansed and perfumed by the aroma of My presence. Make My presence your priority and the stench of the world and the stench of death will be removed from your garments. I have prepared a place here by Me and I beckon you oh My beloved to come and know the full scope of all that I have stored up for you in this hour.

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