The Father Says Today: August 19th, 2013

Pagosa-Matt-LordThe Father says today that I am watching over your harvest. There are seeds you have planted and fields of faith you have furrowed that will not fail. They will produce says the Father. You planted with joy looked with expectation that they should bring forth. Though the answers have been long in coming I have counted every act of obedience and every act of sacrifice. I will repay says the Father. You will see of the travail of your soul and be satisfied.
So waste not your time with the backward glance. Move forward with joy and with anticipation that the rewards of obedience will be rich. I will see that the garners of your hope will be full of substance. Failure is not an option in My kingdom says the Father. Put your hand to the task at hand. Live in your now and refuse to look back or to speculate for I am watching over your past and safeguarding your future. This is your day says the Father. Your blessing time has come.

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