The Father Says Today: April 8th, 2018

The Father says today, I am in the midst of you. I am in you feeding you. I am in you clothing you. I am in you housing you both without and within. I am housing you without with the shelter that the natural man has need of and I am housing you within with that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Can you not sense the eternality of who I AM on the inside of you? That which I am within you by virtue of the Cross is not limited and has never been limited. I AM the I AM on the inside of you who is providing you with everything necessary for life and godliness. You are not dependent upon man. You are not dependent upon that which draws breath, for I am your breath on the inside of you. I am the breath of God within you and the God that is your breath breathing life in and breathing life out, establishing and increasing you every step of your sojourn on the earth.
I have delivered you from the body of death. You are not subject to death, for the covenant with death has been disannulled. I am He that a bruised reed I will not break, neither a smoking flax will I quench. I pass through your members not to destroy you or withhold from you, but rather to stamp My image upon you to such a degree that all that look upon you will say, you have your Father’s eyes! I need not advertise Myself. When you search for Me you will find Me in the secret place where I secretly, silently abide and bless you and increase you and enlarge who I AM on the inside of you with unceasing faithfulness. This is the temple that you are in your person, not of Levitical order but after the order of the Melchisedek priesthood which you are in your body, non-religious, self-referred, anchored in who I AM, resting in total peace, complete confidence and absolute restfulness in the watch-care by which I care for you every moment of the day.

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