The Father Says Today – April 5th, 2024

The Father says today, be of good courage, for the works of darkness will not swallow you up no matter what things may look like at the moment. The enemy spied a break in your defenses, and you have felt the sting of it. But do not despair, for I am bringing a swift resolution. I am never late, and I never abandon My children. Do not let thoughts of being forsaken occupy your heart. I am a God of blessing, abundance, and delight in providing for you from My storehouses in heaven. Today, watch and see as I extend a blessing specifically out of My throne room. It is positioned to reach you right where you are. As you receive this blessing, remember that I am a God of restoration. Not only am I restoring you in this moment of need, but I am also restoring relationships, dreams, and opportunities that may have seemed lost. Just as I am extending a blessing to you, I am also extending a hand to guide you through this challenging time.

Know that I am a God of justice. I see the inequities that have been done to you, and I will bring about rectitude for these transgressions against you in due time. Rest assured that I am working behind the scenes to make things right and bring about a fair resolution to the wrongs that have been done. Lastly, remember that I am a God of redemption. Those who don’t see you the way I do – through the lens of Calvary’s forgiveness think you deserve to suffer. That is not My heart toward you. This isn’t about you getting what you deserve because of past indiscretions or failures. No matter your mistakes or struggles, I am here to offer you forgiveness and a fresh start. I am ever the God of the second chance! Allow My love and grace to wash over you, and know that I am always ready to walk alongside you on your journey of growth and transformation. As you receive the blessing that I am extending to you today, remember that I am a God of provision, restoration, justice, and redemption. Trust in My faithfulness and know that I am always working for your good. Embrace the blessing that I am offering you today, and watch as I work miracles in your life.

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