The Father Says Today – April 30th, 2024

The Father says today, the days are over of wrestling with feelings of disqualification, believing you’ve somehow rendered yourself unfit. I say to you, I do not look at the outward man, the stumbles and imperfections you see and that others see as well. My gaze pierces deeper, to the posture of your heart. And your heart, I see it clearly. It’s a heart I choose to occupy, to make the dwelling place of My glory. Even now, this very day, I take up fresh residence within you. You undervalue yourself, judging your worth by some harsh internal metric. Let me assure you, who I have made you on the inside is far better than you give yourself credit for. This isn’t about boasting of moral excellence or meticulously crafted integrity, or qualities you’ve cultivated seeking the approval of others. 

Within you resides the heart of a David, a vessel I can pluck like a harp, causing your life to resonate with the profound intimacy that only finds expression in the most soul-stirring songs and hymns. Imagine this: the angels who constantly stand before Me, witnessing My glory firsthand, even they are moved to tears when they glimpse the splendor I’ve placed within you. Their only utterance when they look upon your life is a resounding “Holy, Holy, Holy.” This is your day. The time for your blessings to flow has arrived. And within this unfolding, I will be glorified. Remember this. You are chosen, you are worthy, and I am with you. Walk in the confidence of this truth.

Now, mix this word with some faith by sowing into its fulfillment in your life. The faith it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Act now because your response time in giving is a metric for God’s timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation. 

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  • Just exciting. Literally just preached a whole message about the measure of a life. And that God’s measure and metric isn’t outward but inward. And the entire sermon was about David. He measured up in faith, hope and love. It was very personal and dear and this just drove it deeper.